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Knowing Utah Personal Injury Law - How Much is My Case Worth?

January 16, 2024
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Many people are looking for a quick answer about the value of their personal injury case after an accident. As a result there are online forms you can complete that allege they can tell you what your case is worth with just a few pieces of information. Some lawyers will even tell prospective clients that they can help them get $1 million dollars without knowing anything or very little about the case. If you think these case values are bogus, it’s because they are. These methods are employed to get people through the door and to sign on the dotted line. Such an approach inevitably leads to anger and frustration when the final settlement falls far short of the accident’ victim’s expectations.

Case Value is Dependent on Several Factors

The truth is that the value of a case is dependent on a variety of factors like how much you have in medical expenses, your injuries, the types of treatment you received, how long your treatment lasted, how much you had in property damage, wage loss, loss of earning capacity, the impact on your life, whether you need future care, etc.. But mostly, the value of a case is based on what a jury would do with the specific facts of the case.

Because of this, we are constantly looking at the verdicts and awards coming out of trials and arbitrations to help us predict what a jury would do. At True North Injury Law, we won’t even start talking about what a potential range of value might look like until we have sufficient information to have an honest conversation. 

Watch Out for Snake Oil Salesman

If you find yourself in a conversation with a lawyer making promises about specific dollar amounts, do yourself a favor and find a lawyer who is going to tell you the truth.

If you have questions about your specific case and want to have an honest conversation with one of our experienced Utah personal injury attorneys, please call us at 801-849-3664 to schedule a free consultation.

Contact True North Today

Your journey to justice begins with a single step. Contact us today to discuss your personal injury case and secure the compensation you deserve.
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